A letter from pope Francis
Read the Pope’s recent message to our association. We wrote to Pope Francis to introduce him to the mission of Lights in the Dark, and he responded to us in less than three weeks! The Pope blesses our mission and all who participate in it—maybe you too?—by giving us an outline to follow: In order to continue to reach out to “wounded and fragile people, in search of meaning in their lives”, to be “a glimmer of hope for those who are discouraged and sad”. He also encourages us to “take care of the fragile members of our families, our society and our nation”, as we are doing on our various platforms such as Sosporn or Afterdeath.life, and he sends us his blessing.
Secretary of State – The Vatican
First Section – General Affairs
13th September 2022
Dear Jean-Baptiste,
In your letter, dated August 18, 2022, you informed His Holiness Pope Francis of your apostolate. He has asked me to thank you warmly.
The Holy Father gives thanks to God for your dedication and commitment to the wounded and fragile who are in search of a meaning to their lives. In this time of difficulty and precariousness, he encourages you to be beacons of hope for those who are discouraged and sad. As he emphasized in the Encyclical Fratelli tutti: “Solidarity finds concrete expression in service, which can take a variety of forms in an effort to care for others. And service in great part means ‘caring for vulnerability, for the vulnerable members of our families, our society, our people’.” (#115).
Like Blessed Carlo Acutis, may the Gospel give you the strength and joy to be missionary-disciples of hope for today’s youth. Entrusting you to the solicitude of the Virgin Mary, Pope Francis gives you his Blessing, as well as to all the members of your association, to the people you accompany and to your families.
Please accept, Jean-Baptiste, my best wishes.
Yours sincerely in Christ,
Bishop L. Roberto Cana