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All the news about our mission to evangelize on the digital continent.

Hooked on Porn for 25 years… François was Healed!

François had been addicted to pornography for over 25 years. He had never before been able to kick the habit. His life was terribly affected by his addiction. He spoke about it to a priest who gave him the deliverance prayer from for the intercession of Blessed Carlo Acutis. He started reciting the prayer with all his heart. And then something changed in him… Seven months later he told the priest that he was healed!


“Thanks to, I am healed from watching pornography!”

Agathe is 22 years old, she has been addicted to pornography since the age of 12 and goes to porn websites every day. One day, she asked God to help her, "because I can't do it alone". At a wedding, an aunt gave her our deliverance prayer asking for the intercession of Blessed Carlo Acutis. Agathe recited it that very same evening, and a week later she realized that she had not gone back to looing at porn websites since—she was healed! She discovered on that she had received the prayer from us on the same day and at the same time as Carlo Acutis' actual beatification. She announced this to us 9 months later.


“I can’t thank you enough for what you have done for me today!”

Dominique’s companion lost her daughter in dramatic circumstances and he was searching for a way to comfort her. He went on the Internet and typed “life after death” and “suicide”, and he came across our platform ( in English). He poured his heart out to an online e-missionary who emailed him a prayer. Dominique wrote back: “I can’t thank you enough for what you have done for me today!” He contacted a priest near his home we had indicated to him, asked to be baptized and quickly became a catechumen. Dominique has the same first name as the bishop who sent him to the mission of Lights in the Dark. What a wonderful fioretti from God! This person has since become an e-missionary with us.


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