Our New Platform SOSporn.org: Helping Those Addicted to Pornography
Launched in French in September 2020, SOSporno.net has already enabled the Healing from addictions to pornography of at least three people in France, thanks to the Deliverance Prayer through the intercession of Blessed Carlo Acutis. Our platform is now open in English in a beta version and is based on two fundamentals: The Power of Prayer and The Power of Live Chat.
The Power of Prayer
Our platform answers the call of Pope Francis who, on 4th April 2020, invited Catholics to “relieve, treat and heal the suffering of those hooked to online addictions, and pray that people addicted to porn will get some help and accompaniment soon”. On 5th & 6th April 2020, the Deliverance Prayer through the intercession of Blessed Carlo Acutis received the Nihil Obstat from Dom Jean Pateau, Abbot of the Abbey of Notre-Dame de Fontgombault, and the imprimatur from Mgr JĂ©rĂ´me Beau, Archbishop de Bourges, who has asked that we “encourage those who pray to Blessed Carlo to post it on their hompage, enabling more and more men and women—who are addicted to porn—to see it”. Printed prayer cards are also available and can be ordered on the platform for wider distribution. People are also invited to pray online using our live chat thanks to the presence of volunteer e-missionaries (who take a 1 hour/week slot for this mission). Thanks to this prayer we know that Agathe, Pierre and François have been delivered from their addictions to online porn (see Agathe’s testimony below).
The Power of Live Chat
Live chat is one of the few media that allows Internet users to converse in complete discretion and confidentiality—keeping total anonymity. Volunteers, who are not psychologists but who actively listen to others with compassion and simple kindness,  are available to chat. They also propose to pray for the person. These exchanges are made in a true honesty, that can lead addicts to concrete ways of breaking loose from porn addiction, as well as referring internet users to the right people locally.
The live chat began in accordance with the Pope’s intuition as early as September 2013, when he asked Catholics to become a “helping presence of people who listen, accompany and encourage others on the Internet”. In a letter dated 13th September 2022 sent to our association “Lights in the Dark”, the Pope encourages our mission: “The Holy Father gives thanks to God for your dedication and your commitment to the wounded and fragile people in search of meaning in their lives”. In these difficult and precarious times, he encourages us to be “a glimmer of hope for those who are discouraged and sad. Like Blessed Carlo Acutis, may you find in the Gospel the strength and the joy you need to be missionary disciples of hope for the youth of today.”
The Need For DevelopmentÂ
In order to respond to as many live chat requests as possible at any time of the day or night, we are actively looking for funding to set up a Mooc to train and support more and more English-speaking e-missionaries by teaching them about the testimony of God’s love and compassion, using the know-how Lights in the Dark has acquired over the past several years. In order to achieve this efficiently, the organization is even ready to set itself up in an English-speaking country for 3-year missions. If you want to donate directly to us, click here. You can also contact us to find out more. Thank you for your generosity and may the Lord bless you!
- Further reading: The Pope’s Letter